The Penn State Alumni Association

What’s been happening:

Remember when... Thursday nights at the Gaff were ritual; PSU Sailing was good (just kidding); We sacrificed lives for Canyon Pizza; Building snowmen barefoot didn't hurt; Our CATA bus driver took out 8 cars on College Ave and never stopped; We built a float and the sail kept blowing over; Keg tosses off the deck were common; Aimlessly wandering down College Ave at 3AM seemed safe; Waking up at 7AM on game day to leave a few cars up on Park Avenue for the best tailgating; Piling 15 people into a car to get back to our cars parked on Park Avenue; Taking doors from apartments for beer pong tables; Sailing regattas at the Webb Institute; We had to take numerous classes that were mandatory for our major but have not helped out in our current lives whatsoever; Every guy took intro to Womens' Studies thinking the class would be all girls; Taking basketball and volleyball gave you college credit; Our apartment almost burned down because of a shower, a pillow, a candle, and our inability to use a fire extinguisher; We never wanted to graduate and tried our hardest not to; We watched the towers fall together and saw our world change; We lost loved ones and held together; Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget... PS(I miss)U